Please some one help me to identify this.
ID Ransomware was designed for a non-technical user to identify the particular ransomware family that infected the computer, hence the one responsible for the encrypted user files. There are many encryption protocols that exist ranging from easy to crack up to 128-bit or 256-bit AES encryption used for online banking, which basically is uncrackable with today’s computers. Using the ID Ransomware site, the user can find out if there is a decryptor available to reverse the ransomware’s encryption.
When your system or network is infected by ransomware and your files are encrypted, you need to identify the ransomware first. ID Ransomware helps you, even if you are a non-techie guy, identify the ransomware. Just upload the ransom note and/or a sample of an encrypted file on ID Ransomware. It will help you identify the ransomware.