As an extension to its fight against fake news, WhatsApp has launched a service in India to fight fake news. This gains relevance as India is all set to go…
Read MoreAs an extension to its fight against fake news, WhatsApp has launched a service in India to fight fake news. This gains relevance as India is all set to go…
Read MoreLinux Lite 4.4, the latest version of Linux Lite, has been officially released and is now available for download and installation. As we know, Linux Lite is a lightweight Linux…
Read MoreGame of Thrones downloads seem to be favored greatly for spreading Windows malware, according to a new report. In a recent report, security firm Kaspersky Lab says, based on data…
Read MoreDrupal is considered as a professional-level Content Management System (CMS), with advanced features than Joomla, WordPress, Sharepoint, and Magento. Just like other software, it requires updates and careful maintenance of…
Read MoreAs the world is anticipating with the roll-out of 5G technology, which is promising to change how we deal with the mobile Internet, the intensity of Anti-Huawei propaganda has reached…
Read MoreA security technology that is built on or linked into an application runtime environment, and is capable of controlling application execution, and detecting and preventing real-time attacks,” This is how…
Read MoreAmid all of the high-profile data breaches, of all sizes have been successfully targeted by hackers who employ a wide range of different strategies. Companies have had to learn about…
Read MoreThe humble Raspberry Pi, a single-board integrated computer based-on ARM architecture has become very influential in the field of enthusiast computing. With specifications akin to a smartphone of 2011: Raspberry…
Read MoreIt was in November, 2012, when the first time The Australian Privacy Commissioner announced that under a new law, it will be able to issue million-dollar fines to government agencies,…
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