Using the "default deny" approach we endeavor to provide maximum security to our users and also ensure that it doesn't affect their usability.
MYDLP SUITE Secure Web Gateway works using auto-containment technology
Secure Web Gateway works using auto-containment technology, which involves running unknown files in a virtual container n the user's endpoint and analyzing the files there itself. The highlight is that while the unknown files in the virtual container
would be allowed to run normally, they would be prevented from accessing the host's resources or user data. Thus it would be impossible for such files to infect or damage the system. Our Secure Web Gateway uses an extremely
lightweight containment technology, which is application-agnostic and has no CPU dependencies at all.
MYDLP SUITE Secure Web Gateway does real-time, cloud-based analysis
In addition to running unknown files in containment, our Secure Web Gateway also uploads these unknown files to the cloud, where they are subjected to real-time analysis. For almost 95 percent of the files submitted to the cloud for analysis, the verdict
is made available in less than a minute's time. Sometimes, it takes just 45 seconds to get the verdict on unknown files. When, in rare case scenarios, it becomes impossible to get a verdict, the file would be sent to researchers
for human analysis, who do the analysis and determine if the file is good or bad, working within SLA timelines.
MYDLP SUITE Secure Web Gateway provides real granular policy management
Our Secure Web Gateway offers real granular policy management. You get web access policy management at all levels, at the user-level, the group-level, the department-level, the Active Directory-level and also based on the location. Thus you can do URL
filtering, build your own blacklists or whitelists and block/delete inappropriate search engine results with safe search enforcement. You could check and block files based on their source, category, file-type etc.
The policies can be applied to multiple locations and even roaming users, regardless of their locations, can be covered.
MYDLP SUITE Secure Web Gateway becomes your Managed Service Provider
If needed, our Secure Web Gateway would become your MSP (Managed Service Provider), thereby helping you save time. We provide services relating to everything ranging from installation and set-up to fine-tuning, creating/refining web access or ATP (Advanced
Threat Protection) policies etc. We also help monitor and analyze risky files, and also in the blacklisting and whitelisting of URLs. We do all this and much more and thus become your MSP.