2018 cybersecurity trends and predictions

The year 2017 was quite exciting as we came across several new things from Ransomware to IoT malware and more. Several industries found themselves gripped at the mercy of the hackers and criminals. The vulnerabilities in Windows which was made known to us by these same hackers. Anyway, we have all had our share of surprises and pain. As we step into 2018 here are a few things you need to keep in mind the prediction.
AI-powered attacks
Artificial Intelligence is everywhere now and with an abundance of its implementation, it’s just a matter of time before bad guys jump onto the wagon and tune it to their benefits. Industry experts believe that every hacking has anything to do with the insiders, and it’s the state actors that pass the buck to criminals about the vulnerabilities. The coming year any technology that has to do with proxies will attract more criminals.
From chatbots to a phishing website, spam, fraud, and many such online activities, automation are the online way forward. AI is helpful when you want to collect relevant intelligence. This means you need not go to forums, external code repositories, and other relevant sources to source your need. This will only help the attacker to simplify his job.
The password guesses with AI-powered brute force attacks. The technique involves narrowing down probable passwords by demographics and personal information that is loosely available in the public domain. This is followed by Cryptographic attacks that use advanced pattern recognition capabilities to minimize the complexity of brute force operations.
Reduced sandboxing technology’s effectiveness
Adoption of sandboxing has grown tremendously over the last few years. This has become the new anti-virus standard for enterprises that prevents them from malicious threats. Sandboxing is effective no doubt, but it also has its own shortcomings with regard to the delay it introduces. Criminals are a step ahead when it comes to cracking sandbox, thus making it ineffective. The effectiveness of Sandbox will only grow slowly so we need to keep a check on this.
Hi-Tech cyber hijacking
As said above Ransomware was the big thing during 2017, with many IoT and other industrial devices getting blocked and then released after the ransom was paid. Happening again and again, only shows how the cyber hijacking is a reality, where the owners are left helpless and they couldn’t regain their asset.
Stronger regulation to be enforced
In 2018 we are going to see GDPR coming into play and vendors will be asked to implement it as part of their marketing campaign, and then to capitalize on the regulation. Looking at some of the high profile regulation, we are going to see strict regulation in place, which will dictate the firms on how to behave during the breach, to detect and prevent further damage. This will help the vendors, but how much the regulation takes up will only be seen in the later course.
The cybercurrencies and blockchain systems
Bitcoin and the blockchain system is now part of the mainstream business and economy in some places, we are going to see more cyber attacks in the coming year and thereafter. Cryptographic attacking bitcoin are minimal, but they may look for a weaker cryptographic source to strike hard. The ability to pass a data in the block with insecure coding practices will result in remote code execution against blockchain systems or nodes.
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